Olympus E-520 Digital Camera User Manual

Customizing your camera
You can select NTSC or PAL according to your TV’s video signal type.
You will need to set this when you want to connect the camera to a TV and play back images
in a foreign country. Make sure the correct video signal type is selected before connecting the
video cable. If you use the wrong video signal type, recorded pictures will not play back
properly on your TV.
TV video signal types in major countries and regions
Check the video signal type before connecting the camera to your TV.
You can display the picture you have just taken on the monitor while it is being recorded to
the card, and to select how long the picture is displayed. This is useful for making a brief
check of the picture you have just taken. Pressing the shutter button halfway while checking
the picture lets you resume shooting immediately.
[1SEC] – [20SEC] Selects the number of seconds to display each picture. Can be set in
units of 1 second.
[OFF] The picture being recorded to the card is not displayed.
[AUTOq] Displays the image being recorded, and then switches to playback
mode. This is useful for erasing a picture after checking it.
Your product’s firmware version will be displayed.
When you make inquiries about your camera or accessories or when you want to download
software, you will need to state which version of each of the products you are using.
Press d. Your product’s firmware version will be displayed. Press the i button to return to
the previous screen.
NTSC North America, Japan, Taiwan, Korea
PAL European countries, China
s0018_e_00_0_unified.book Page 99 Tuesday, March 18, 2008 4:08 PM