Olympus VG-110/D-700 Digital Camera User Manual

Image Size Frame Rate
Continuous recording length
Internal memory SD/SDHC memory card (1 GB)
With sound Without sound With sound Without sound
8 640×480
9 sec. 9 sec. 8 min. 53 sec. 8 min. 56 sec.
19 sec. 19 sec. 17 min. 42 sec. 17 min. 52 sec.
9 320×240
27 sec. 27 sec. 24 min. 42 sec. 25 min. 0 sec.
53 sec. 55 sec. 48 min. 51 sec. 50 min. 1 sec.
The maximum le size of a single movie is 2 GB, regardless of the capacity of the card.
Increasing the number of pictures that can be taken
Increasing the number of pictures that can be taken
Either erase unwanted images, or connect the camera to a computer or other device to save the images, and then erase
the images in the internal memory or card.
[Erase] (p. 25, 39), [Sel. Image] (p. 39), [All Erase] (p. 39), [Memory Format]/[Format] (p. 41)