[] items that can be stamped
[SHOOTING DATE] [W/O TIME]: Stamps recording date
[WITH TIME]: Stamps recording date and time
[NAME] _i: Stamp name registered in Face Recognition
_,/_: Stamp name registered in [BABY] or [PET]
[LOCATION] Stamp Destination registered in [TRAVEL MODEl's [LOCATION]
[TRAVEL DATE] Stamp Travel Date set in [TRAVEL MODE]'s [TRAVEL DATE]
[TITLE] Stamp text registered in [TITLE EDIT]
[STATEICOUNTY] Stamps place name information recorded by GPS function
• If text such as the location name or landmark name is long, it may not be
[CITY/TOWN] possible to stamp all the text.
• The item cannot be stamped when function is turned [OFF].
[]To check stamped text
'Playback Zoom' (444)
_Cannot be used with still pictures taken on other devices, still pictures taken without
setting Clock, motion pictures, or stiff pictures with audio.
_After [TEXT STAMP] is applied, pictures cannot be resized or cropped, and
[LEVELING], [ASPECT CONV.], [TEXT STAMP] and date printing settings cannot be
changed on pictures.
_ Characters may be cut off on certain printers.
_Text is difficult to read when stamped on pictures of 0.3M or less.
_Do not request date printing in store or make date printing on printer for still
pictures with date stamps. (Date printing may be overlapping.)
VQT2R20 129