Precautions for installation
This camera is designed to be used
indoors. This camera is not operable out-
Do not operate this product beyond the
specified temperature, humidity or power
source ratings.
Use this product at temperatures within
–10 °C to +50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F}, and
humidity below 90 %.The input power source
is 12 V DC/24 V AC (WV-CP504) or 120 V AC
Installing place
Contact your dealer for assistance if you are
unsure of an appropriate place in your partic-
ular environment.
• Makesurethattheinstallationareais
strong enough to hold the camera, such
as a concrete ceiling.
• Ifaceilingboardsuchasplasterboard
is too weak to support the total weight,
the area shall be sufficiently reinforced.
• Donotinstallthisproductinahumidor
dust-laden environment.
Otherwise, lifetime of the internal parts
may be shortened.
Avoid installing in the following locations.
• Locationswhereitmaygetwetfromrain
or water splash
• Locations whereachemical agent is
used such as a swimming pool
• Locationssubjecttosteamandoilsmoke
such as a kitchen, Locations near flam-
mable gas or vapor
• Locationswhereradiationorx-rayemis-
sions are produced
• Locationssubjecttostrongmagnetic
field or radio waves
• Locationswherecorrosivegasispro-
• Locationswhereitmaybedamagedby
briny air such as seashores
• Locationswherethetemperatureisnot
within –10 °C to +50 °C {14 °F - 122 °F}.
• Locationssubject to vibrations (This
product is not designed for on-vehicle
• Locationssubjecttocondensationasthe
result of severe changes in temperature
Avoid installing the camera in a place with
a high level of noise.
Installation near an air conditioner, an air
cleaner, a vending machine, or the like
causes noise.
Avoid connections during a lightning
Otherwise, an electric shock may be caused.
Be sure to remove this product if it is not
in use.
Keep the camera cable away from the
lighting cable.
Failure to observe this may cause noise.
Radio interference
When the camera is used near TV/radio
antenna, strong electric field or magnetic
field (near a motor or a transformer), images
may be distorted and noise sound may be
Mounting screws
• Screwsarenotsuppliedwiththisprod-
• Preparethemaccordingtothematerial
and strength of the area where the prod-
uct is to be installed.
• Donotuseanimpactdriver.Useofan
impact driver may damage the screws.
• Thescrewsandboltsmustbetightened
with an appropriate tightening torque
according to the material and strength of
the installation area.