PELCO Manual C426M-F (2/98)
C1906 Factory assembled, pretested 6 foot
cable for use between Coaxitron re-
ceivers and inverted pan/tilt assem-
blies (SB2800, SB2801, SB2800-2,
SB2800-SL, SB2800SL-2)
C1906/PP Same as C1906 except for use with
preset (PP) pan/tilt assemblies
(SB2800/PP, SB2800-SL/PP)
C1925 Factory assembled, pretested 25 foot
cable for use between Coaxitron re-
ceivers and inverted pan/tilt assem-
blies (SB2800, SB2801, SB2800-2,
SB2800-SL, SB2800SL-2)
C1925/PP Same as C1925 except for use with
PP pan/tilts.
CM3000 Fixed camera mount for use with
SB3-1 or SB3-2 enclosure.
SB3KIT Hardware kit to field retrofit SB3-1
or SB3-2 domes with the following
assemblies: PT2801000ASSY
The following controls are recommended for use with
the TurboSphere System:
Coaxitron System 2000
A9000 Auto/Random Scan module for
CX9024RX receivers (plug-in mod-
CM7500 Series/
CM9500 Series
Coaxitron Matrix, System 7500 or
System 9500, for use with SB2800/
PP and SB2800-SL/PP enclosures.
CX900TLC System test and receiver manual con-
trol board for CX9024RX receivers
(plug-in module)
CX9024RX Coaxitron receiver in weatherproof
box for 24 VAC pan/tilts with power
supply for pan/tilt, zoom lens, and 24
VAC camera power.
MPT9000CZ Transmitter/control with pan/tilt joy
stick, zoom lens, and 4 accessory
function controls. Desk top model.
Hardwire Short-Distance Controls for
24 VAC Pan/Tilts
MEH24DT Desk top enclosure control module
for 24 VAC camera on/off
MLZ6DT Desk top zoom lens control module
with auto/manual iris control
MPT24DT Desk top joystick control module for
24 VAC pan/tilts
MPTA24DT Same as MPT24DT except equipped
with Auto/Random Scan operation