Using a Computer
Viewing “First Step Guide” (DCR-HC54)
To view “First Step Guide” on your
computer, Microsoft Internet Explorer
Ver.6.0 or later is recommended.
Double-click the short-cut icon for your
camcorder’s “First Step Guide” on the
z Tips
• You can also start by selecting [Start] t
[Programs] ([All Programs] for Windows XP)
t [Sony Picture Utility] t [FirstStepGuide]
t Your camcorder's folder t “First Step
Guide” in HTML.
• To view “First Step Guide” in HTML without
installing, copy the desired language folder from
the [FirstStepGuide] folder on the CD-ROM,
and then double-click [Index.html].
• Refer to the “First Step Guide” in PDF in the
following cases:
– When printing the desired topics of “First
Step Guide”
– When “First Step Guide” is not displayed
correctly due to the browser setting even in
recommended environment.
– When the HTML version of “First Step
Guide” cannot be installed.