Stocks Add/Del Favorite
Moves to the stock information you want to view (NYSE/Nasdaq/Favorites).
Moves up/down.
Adds or deletes the selected stock symbol.
Returns to the upper menu screen.
Direct Functions
Menu Description
Return to List Returns to the list.
Add to Favorite Stocks Adds the selected stock symbol to the Favorite Stocks.
Delete from Favorite Stocks Deletes the selected stock symbol from the Favorite Stocks.
Moves up/down.
Moves right/left.
Moves right / Selects an item.
Returns to the upper menu screen.
Sub-Menu Detailed Menu
My Weather
Today, Tomorrow, Recent Location
Today, Tomorrow : Displays the weather forecast for today and tomorrow.
When selected, you can view the six (6)-day weather information for the default location.
Recent Location : Displays a list of locations for which you have recently viewed weather information. If
you selected a location from the list, you can view the six (6)-day weather information for it.
Top 100 Cities
Displays a list of 100 cities. You can select a city and view the six (6)-day
weather information for it.
Change Location
Select a location manually by entering the zip code. You can register the
selected location to My Weather.
Direct Functions
Menu Description
Return to my Weather Returns to the My Weather screen.
Make this My Weather
Registers the selected item to My Weather. It becomes the default weather information to be
provided and you are moved to the My Weather screen.
MENU Sets Celsius/Fahrenheit.