Wide-angleltersofsize6EW Orderno.
B+W UV Filter with MRC coating 40295
B+W Skylight lter MRC coating 14386
B+W Käsemann linear polarizing lter 75246
B+W Käsemann circular polarizing lter with MRC coating 16518
More Filters of size 67 EW on request
Speciallenshoodwithlterholder 60013
B+W UV inlay lter 74 mm with MRC coating 45366
B+W Skylight inlay lter 74 mm with MRC coating 46585
Canon EOS 45733
Canon FD 19106
Contax/Yashica 19118
Leica R Lens available only through Leica
M42 thread 19119
Minolta AF/Sony a 19124
Minolta MD 19105
Nikon AI 19104
Olympus OM 19120
Pentax K/Samsung GX 19098