Sony DSC-W330 Camcorder User Manual

Table of
Allows you to shoot with reduced camera shake or subject blur.
1 Set the mode switch to (Still Image).
2 MENU t (REC Mode) t (SteadyShot) t z on the control
3 Shoot with the shutter button.
zHints for preventing blur
If the camera moves accidentally when you shoot an image, “camera shake” occurs.
On the other hand, if the subject moves when you shoot an image, “subject blur” can occur.
Camera shake and subject blur occur frequently under low-light or slow shutter speed
conditions, such as those encountered in (Twilight Portrait) or (Twilight) mode. In
such a case, shoot with the below tips in mind.
Camera shake
Your hands or body moves while holding the
camera and pressing the shutter button, and the
entire screen is blurred.
Use a tripod or place the camera on a flat surface to
hold the camera steady.
Shoot with a 2-second delay self-timer and
stabilize the camera by holding your arms firmly at your side after pressing the shutter button.
Subject blur
Even though the camera is steady, the subject
moves during the exposure and is captured
blurred when the shutter button is pressed.
Select (High Sensitivity) mode in Scene
Select a higher ISO sensitivity to make the shutter
speed faster, and press the shutter button before the subject moves.