2 –Pump 18-Station Controllers Chapter 3: Installation 21 of 44
Setup Password
If you define a password for setup personnel, then all settings can be changed only after
entering the password. The password will be required to display the following screens:
• System Setup (to review and change system-wide settings).
• Station Setup (to review and change settings for all station options).
• Pump Setup (to review and change settings for all pump options).
Operator Password
If you define a password for operators, then a password will be required to carry out any
function (other than reviewing station and pump status, silencing alarms, reviewing the alarm
log, and looking at help screens). Entering the operator’s password will give the user access
to the functions at the following screens:
• Station Status (to enable or disable a station, and start or stop system)
• Pump Status (to enable or disable a pump, and start or stop system)
• Station Operator (to adjust a station’s convey time and dump delay, activate priority
convey, and review the station’s last convey time and pump assignment; depending on
the options installed, the screen may also enable the operator to adjust the purge time.
Entering the setup password will give the user access to all functions.
Note: If you want to protect the operator’s functions with a password, you must also
define a setup password. If you leave the setup password undefined, then all users
will have access to all functions.
If you want two different levels of password protection, you must make the passwords
different from each other. If the two passwords are the same, then any user who
enters the password will have access to all functions.
To set (or remove) password protections, complete the following steps:
1. Go to the “System Setup” screen by touching the SYSTEM SETUP button on the
Main Menu screen.
2. Press MORE twice when in the System Setup screen to enter the Operator Password
Figure 13: Operator Password Screen
3. On the “System Setup” screen, touch the Operator Password button or the Setup
Password button, depending on which password you want to set up. A keypad pops
up, with an entry of 0.