2 –Pump 18-Station Controllers Chapter 4: Operation 31 of 44
Transferring Stations to a Standby Pump
If a pump fails, you can transfer all of the controller’s station assignments for that pump to a
standby pump. To do this, you must disable (take offline) both the source pump and the
standby pump, and the standby pump must have no stations already assigned to it.
The transfer operation at the controller’s touch screen merely changes the pump assignment
for every station on the failed pump. It does not transfer any pump settings for auto shutdown
delay, alarms, or blow-back to the standby pump. Mechanical connections must be changed
To transfer stations from a pump to a standby pump, complete the following steps:
1. At the Main Menu, touch the PUMP STATUS button. The “Pump Status” screen
2. Both the source pump and the standby pump must be offline. If either pump is any
other state, disable it by touching its icon briefly. The icon becomes black with a
white outline and says OFFLINE.
3. Move the vacuum hose from the failed pump to the standby pump, and carry out any
other mechanical procedures needed to use the standby pump.
4. At the “Pump Status” screen, touch and hold the icon for any pump until the “Pump
Setup” screen appears.
5. At the “Pump Setup” screen, touch Transfer Stations To Standby Pump. The
“Transfer to Standby Pump” screen opens:
Figure 19: “Transfer To Standby Pump” Screen
6. Press the number of the pump to be transferred and the keypad will open. Enter the
number of the pump to be transferred from and to. Use CLR to erase any mistakes.
Use ENT to enter the value.
Note: When you enter the second pump number, the controller checks to make sure that
both pumps are offline and that the standby pump has no stations assigned to it.
If these conditions are not all met, error messages appear on the screen instead
of the MOVE button. If you get an error message, first check to make sure that