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The copy button is used to copy or append a track, part or song, to another track, part or song. It only
functions while the COPY button is held down. If the COPY button is released (either before or after the
copy is executed), the previous mode will show up on the display, and copy mode is exited.
6.1 Copying a PART to itself
When in PART mode, and COPY is pressed and held, all 8 track LEDs will light, and the display will read:
Both displayed part numbers will actually display the current part number (00- 99). Pressing RECORD
completes the operation, and the display reads:
This display remains until the RECORD button is released, which then returns the sequencer to the
previous copy display (unless COPY is released as well). The above example demonstrated copying a part
(all 8 tracks) to itself, which will double the length of that part.
6.2 Copying a PART to another PART
To copy a part to another part, press and hold COPY, then enter the two digit part number with the
keypad. The display will show the selected part number. Pressing RECORD initiates the copy, and
appends the source part (the current part before COPY was pressed) to the destination part (the part
entered with the keypad). Again, all 8 track LEDs are lit, so all 8 tracks are copied.
If the destination part was empty, then the destination now contains an exact copy of the source part. If
the destination was not empty, then the destination's length is increased by the length of the source part,
and the source part is appended to the end of the destination part. Any MIDI assignments made on the
source part's tracks will be overridden by the destination part's MIDI assignments.
6.3 Copying a TRACK to itself
To copy a single track to itself (useful for erasing all but one type of MIDI information, see below), press
and hold the COPY button, select the desired track (its LED will remain lit and the others wil turn off),
then press RECORD.