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Tap Menu > Trip >
Settings to change
settings that affect
CoPilot routing and
Tap Routing to access routing options. RV routes
favor major roads and avoid sharp turns, U-turns,
and urbanized areas wherever possible. In the
United States only, RV routes completely avoid high-
ways that have bridge heights under 12’6” (bridge
heights are not considered on smaller, local roads
Quickest routing is based on the most practical
route in terms of road quality, terrain, and urban/
rural. Shortest travels the least distance where
possible while maintaining some level of practicality.
Or choose Avoid Major Roads.
Toll Roads (U.S. only) — Select Always Avoid,
Use if Necessary, or No Restriction.
London Congestion Zone Warning — (U. K.
only) Check to have CoPilot provide a warning
when your trip will pass through a congestion zone
(gives you the option to route around it) or when
your destination is within a congestion zone (gives
you the option to continue after warning).
Take a Break every ___ hours for ___ hours
— Adjusts trip ETA to reflect stops for breaks.
International Borders Open — (U.S. only) If
checked, routes may cross international borders
to provide better routing. If this option is not
checked, no borders will be crossed.
Advanced Routing Options:
1) Tap Advanced. Use the advanced
routing options to completely change how
CoPilot calculates routes. Advanced options
include some Basic options along with avoid/
favor preferences and average speed settings
for each road type CoPilot uses to for route
2) Tap New to create a Profile.
3) Enter a name for this profile.
4) Select a Vehicle Type and Routing Type.
5) Choose a Toll Roads option (U.S. only).
6) (U.K. only) Check London Congestion
Zone Warning if desired.
7) Check Take a break if desired, and set a
break time.
8) Check International Borders Open to
have routes cross borders where practical (U.S.
9) Set Road Type Preferences. Select a
road speed and an avoid/favor level for each
road type. There are five levels of avoid/favor
for each road type. Note that a road type
that is heavily avoided will not be completely
excluded — CoPIlot will still use that road
type if there is no other efficient alternative.
NOTE: Even small changes to the avoid/favor
balance will have a significant effect on how
CoPilot calculates routes.