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Traffic Report Content
CoPilot Live alerts you when a traffic incident is detected on your route ahead. If
traffic is being checked automatically, the alert indicator appears along with incident
icons on the map that show the type and severity of the incident (see p. 42). An
alert sound accompanies the incident display. Incidents are ignored or avoided
based on your option settings (see p. 42).
If you choose to Avoid the incident, a new route will be calculated to avoid
congestion. If you Ignore the incident, your route will continue unchanged. If
an alert times out before you respond to it, CoPilot will use the default incident
action (see Traffic Options, p. 42).
Tapping the alert button will display the list of
current incidents. Tapping an incident icon on
the list (red or green) toggles between Ignore
(green icon) and Avoid (red icon). Tapping
the item text on the list brings up a menu of
response options. Select Details... to see
details about the incident. In this screen, use
the Back and Next buttons to scroll through
all incidents on the list. Select Map to see the
location of the traffic congestion on the map.
Creating/Using Your Own Voice
You can create your own voice or load voices that other CoPilot users have
created and posted online. To do this, create a folder with any name you want and
copy sound files with the exact names of the CoPilot sound files.
The CoPilot sound file names and their associate dialogues are:
File Name Dialogue
100y.wav One Hundred Yards Ahead
150y.wav One Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
1kmWarning 1 Kilometer Ahead
1miWarning 1 Mile Ahead
200mWarning 200 Meters Ahead
200y.wav Two Hundred Yards Ahead
250y.wav Two Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
2kmWarning 2 Kilometers Ahead
2miWarning 2 Miles Ahead
300y.wav Three Hundred Yards Ahead
350y.wav Three Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
3tenthmiWarning 3/10ths of a Mile Ahead
400y.wav Four Hundred Yards Ahead
450y.wav Four Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
500mWarning 500 Meters Ahead
500y.wav Five Hundred Yards Ahead
50y.wav Fifty Yards Ahead
Arrived Approaching Stop
BearLeft Bear Left
BearRight Bear Right
CancelDetour Cancelling Detour
CPWelcome Welcome to CoPilot
Detour Finding Detour
Fspcam.wav Attention Fixed Automatic Safety Camera
Junction.wav Take Motorway Junction
JustAhead Just Ahead
Keepleft.wav Keep Left
Keepright.wav Keep Right
Keeps.wav Keep Straight Ahead
LeftTurn Turn Left