Louvered Grille provides hail guard and vandalism protection.
A wire grille is standard on all models. See model number no-
menclature for louvered grille options.
Coil Options include copper/copper and vinyl-coated construc-
tion for refrigerant coils. Units are shipped standard with copper
tube/aluminum fin construction. See model number nomencla-
ture for coil options.
Economizer with Solid-State Controls and Barometric
Relief Dampers
Manual Air Damper (25% open)
Rigging/Lifting Kit
Filter Rack
Flat Roof Curbs (8-in. and 14-in.)
Square-To-Round Duct Transition Kit
Controls Upgrade Kit
Crankcase Heater
Compressor Hard Start Kit
LP Conversion Kit
High-Altitude Kit
Duct Conversion Kit (Horizontal to Vertical)
Low Ambient Kit (Motormasterா II Device)
Solid-State Time Guardா II Device
Economizer with Solid-State Controls and Barometric Re-
lief Dampers includes filter racks and provides outdoor air during
cooling and reduces compressor operation.
Manual Outside Air Damper includes hood and filter rack with
adjustable damper blade for up to 25% outdoor air.
Flat Roof Curbs in both 8 in. and 14 in. sizes are available for
roof mounted applications.
Square-to-Round Duct Transition Kit enables 018-048 size
units to be filtered to 14 in. round ductwork.
Compressor Hard Start Kit assists compressor start-up by
providing additional starting torque on single-phase units and
prolongs compressor motor life.
Duct Conversion Kit consists of 2 duct covers to be placed
over the horizontal supply and return duct openings when the
unit is converted for downshot applications.
Thermostats provide control for the system heating and cooling
functions. Thermostat models are available in both program-
mable and non-programmable versions.
Controls Upgrade Kit supplies high and low pressure safety
protection and protects the unit from operating at unsuitable
Crankcase Heater provides anti-floodback protection for low-
load cooling applications.
LP (Liquid Propane) Conversion Kit allows for conversion
from natural gas to liquid propane fuel.
Low-Ambient Kit (Motormaster II Control) allows the use of
mechanical cooling down to outdoor temperatures as low as
0° F.
Solid-State Time Guard II Device provides short-cycling pro-
tection for the compressor. Not required with corporate elec-
tronic thermostats.
Filter Rack features easy installation, serviceability, and high-
filtering performance for vertical applications.
High-Altitude Kit is for use at 2001 to 6000 ft above sea level.
Kit consists of natural gas orifices that compensate for gas heat
operation at high altitude.
Rigging Kit includes 4 lifting brackets which are inserted into
the basepan handholds to rig units for rooftop installations.