34D-Link DCS-5020L User Manual 34
Section 3 - Conguration
Enable the e-mailing
of images to an e-mail
E-mail Interval:
Enable the e-mailing of
video clips to an e-mail
Test E-mail Account:
Enabling this will allow snapshots to be e-mailed to you in dierent ways:
• Choosing Always will e-mail snapshots continuously based on the
E-mail Interval specied.
• Choosing Schedule will allow you to schedule when to start and
stop the e-mailing of snapshots.
• Select Motion/Sound Detection if you would like the camera to
e-mail images only when motion or sound is detected. You can
choose whether to e-mail a snapshot immediately, or e-mail 6
snapshots together, with 3 frames before and after motion/sound
was detected. You can also set the Frame interval time to specify
how far apart the snapshots should be.
This sets the limit for how frequently e-mail notications will be sent.
This can be set from 1 to 65535 seconds.
Enabling this will allow video clips to be e-mailed to you in dierent
ways. This is the same as e-mailing images, as specied above, but will
take video clips according to the Video Limit settings you specify.
This will send a test e-mail according to the e-mail settings you have
specied above.