
Option Setup
A value written by
digital communica-
a. Choose View > Preferences .
Enable Use External Temperature.
c. Perform the necessary host programming and communications
setup to write temperature data to the transmitter at appropri-
ate intervals.
If the Weights & Measures application is implemented and the trans-
mitter is secured, digital communications cannot be used to write
temperature data to the transmitter.
9. In Global Config, set Active Curve to the matrix to be used for process measurement.
Concentration process variables are now available on the transmitter. You can view and
report them in the same way that you view and report other process variables.
4.8.2 Configure concentration measurement using ProLink III
This task guides you through loading and setting up a concentration matrix to use for
measurement. It does not cover building a concentration matrix.
Concentration matrices can be made available on your transmitter either by loading an existing
matrix from a file or by building a new matrix. Up to six matrices can be available on your transmitter,
but only one can be used for measurement at any given time. See Micro Motion Enhanced Density
Application: Theory, Configuration, and Use for detailed information on building a matrix.
Before you can configure concentration measurement:
The concentration measurement application must be enabled on your transmitter.
The concentration matrix you want to use must be available on your transmitter, or
it must be available as a file on your computer.
You must know the derived variable that your matrix is designed for.
You must know the density unit used by your matrix.
You must know the temperature unit used by your matrix.
The concentration measurement application must be unlocked.
Choose Device Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Density and set Density Unit to
the density unit used by your matrix.
2. Choose Device Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Temperature and set
Temperature Unit to the temperature unit used by your matrix.
Configure process measurement
Configuration and Use Manual 61