
G0458 18" Open End Belt/Drum Sander
Variable Speed
The variable speed knob allows you to increase
the feed rate from 2–12 FPM. The correct speed
to use depends on the type of stock you are using
(hardwood vs. softwood) and the stage of finish
with that workpiece.
As a general rule, a slower feed rate will sand
the surface smoother, but runs the risk of burning
the wood; a faster feed rate will remove material
faster, but runs the risk of overloading the motor
or damaging the sandpaper.
Use trial-and-error to determine the best settings
for your specific applications.
To adjust the feed belt speed:
1. Turn ON the feed belt (DO NOT adjust con-
veyor speed when the conveyor motor is
Figure 17. Variable speed knob.
Adjusting the variable speed when the con-
veyor motor is OFF can damage the V-belt
and the adjusting mechanism.
2. Rotate the variable speed knob (Figure 17)
counterclockwise to increase the feed speed,
or clockwise to decrease the feed speed.
DO NOT sand more than one board at a time.
Minor variations in thickness can cause one
board to be propelled by the rapidly spinning
sanding drum and ejected from the machine.
NEVER stand directly in front of the outfeed
area of the machine. Failure to do so could
result in severe personal injury.
To sand a workpiece:
1. Adjust the table height according to the
instructions in Depth of Cut
on Page 19.
2. Make sure the filter bag is secure (or start
the dust collector, if connected) and turn the
sander ON.
3. Feed the workpiece through the sander.
Retrieve the workpiece by standing at the
side—not at the outfeed end.
4. Run wide stock through two or three times
without adjusting the table height. Turn the
stock 180° between passes to ensure an
evenly sanded surface.
Over-bogging the motor or pushing the
sander to failure
weakens the electrical sys-
tem. Repeatedly doing so is abuse to the
machine that will cause motor, capacitor, or
thermal breaker dama
ge, which is not cov-
ered by the warranty.