G0458 18" Open End Belt/Drum Sander
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution
Machine has vibration or
noisy operation.
1. Motor or component is loose.
2. V-belts are worn or loose.
3. Motor fan is rubbing on fan cover.
4. Pulley is loose.
5. Machine is incorrectly mounted to the floor.
6. Cast iron motor mount is at fault.
7. Motor bearings are at fault.
1. Inspect for stripped/damaged bolts/nuts,
replace/re-tighten with thread locking fluid.
2. Inspect belts, replace and re-tension (see
Pages 27 & 30).
3. Replace dented fan cover/damaged fan.
4. Remove pulley, replace shaft, pulley, set
screw, and key as required, and realign.
5. Machine has loose anchor studs in floor, or
is sitting on uneven floor. Replace/tighten
relocate as required.
6. Using leverage and a small pry bar to inspect,
carefully replace loose/broken mounts.
7. Check bearings, replace motor or bearings
as required.
Sanding Operations
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution
Vibration when sanding. 1. Loose drum bearings.
2. Worn drum bearings.
1. Tighten drum bearings.
2. Replace drum bearings.
Grinding, screeching, or
rubbing noise when sand
ing drums are powered up.
1. Drum bushings lack sufficient oil.
2. Drum bushings are worn and need replace
1. Oil the drum bushings (see
Page 25).
2. Replace the drum bushings.
Short V-belt lifespan. 1. Pulleys not aligned correctly.
2. Improperly tensioned.
1. Align pulleys (see Page 3
2. Properly tension V-belts (see Page 2
Machine lacks power;
drums stop turning under
1. V-belts loose.
2. Too much pressure on pressure plates.
1. Tighten V-belts (see Page 2
2. Raise the pressure plates (Page 35
Feed belt slips under load. 1. Feed belt is too loose.
2. Too much load.
1. Tension feed belt (see Page 3
2. Decrease load.
Feed belt tracks to one
side or hits the feed table
1. Feed belt tracking is incorrect. 1. Track the feed belt so it runs straight (see
Page 3
Excessive snipe. 1. Lack of outfeed support.
2. Too much pressure from pressure plates.
3. Too much pressure from the rear pressure
1. Set up an outfeed table or have someone
catch the workpiece as it comes out.
2. Raise the pressure plates (Page 35
3. Raise the rear pressure plate (Page 35
Workpiece kicks out of
1. Not enough pressure from the pressure
1. Lower the pressure plates (Page 35
Sandpaper tears off drums
during operation.
1. Nail/staple in workpiece.
2. Sandpaper not tightened or fastened cor
1. Sand only clean workpieces.
2. Install the sandpaper correctly (see Page
Table elevation controls are
stiff and hard to adjust.
1. Table lift screws are dirty or loaded with saw
2. Chain idler sprocket cap screws have been
over tightened.
3. Elevation handle helical gear is dirty or
loaded with sawdust.
1. Clean and re-grease table lift screws (see
Page 26).
2. Adjust the cap screws on the idler sprocket
so it can spin freely.
3. Clean and re-grease the helical gear (see
Page 26).