Introduction to AAA Server
AAA Server Architecture
Chapter 1 13
<realm name>.users The same information as the users file, but this
user information is associated with a particular
realm. These files are only necessary to perform
File type authentication for a defined realm.
Realms are recognized by the realm component of
the user’s Network Access Identifier, for example:
NOTE: This is a user generated file, it does not ship
with the product.
decision Policy information for user authorization and
session control based on any logical group that can
be defined with A-V pairs.
NOTE: This is a user generated file, it does not ship
with the product.
las.conf Defines services for session control based on
vendors Optional entries for vendor-specific behavior.
dictionary Defines all attributes and values that may be used
to build attribute-value (A-V) pairs that will be
recognizable by the server. These A-V pairs contain
information about requests and responses. This file
also contains definitions for all the authentication
types that the server recognizes.
log.config Specifies the predefined session log formats to use.
aaa.config Calls engine.config and contains properties for
the following:
• DHCP relay
• SNMP properties
• Certificate paths
• Tunneling properties
Table 1-1 HP-UX AAA Server Configuration Files (Continued)
File Description