Glossary of Terms
Chapter 452
See Simultaneous Access Token.
Server Manager
A Web-based graphical user interface which provides an interface between
an administrator and the AAA servers. In addition to creating, modifying,
and deleting entries in many of the server’s configuration files, an
administrator may start and stop the AAA server, access the server’s status
and system time, retrieve information from accounting and session logs, and
terminate sessions.
The RADIUS client provides a service to the dial-in user, such as PPP or
Each service provided by the client to a dial-in user constitutes a session,
with the beginning of the session defined as the point where service is first
provided and the end of the session defined as the point where service is
ended. A user may have multiple sessions in parallel or series if the
RADIUS client supports that feature.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Provides a mechanism for a centrally located management workstation to
monitor the activity of remote computers and network services.
Simultaneous Access Token
The concept of token helps define and enforce policies in regard to modem
pool sharing among various participating institutions. A simultaneous
access token is required when a user accesses a non-priority modem. Tokens
are allocated to realms and are grouped into pools. The total number of
tokens a realm has is defined by the HP-UX Server so that the LAS may
control simultaneous use, abbreviated as SAT.
Service Level Agreement.
Service Level Specification.
See Simultaneous Access Token.
Token Pool