
The format to be used to print the memory words. The notation
is the same as for GDB print command (see“Output formats”
(page 86)).
The size of each memory word in bytes.
The number of rows in the output table.
The number of columns in the output table.
If present, indicates that each row should include an ASCII dump.
The value of aschar is used as a padding character when a byte
is not a member of the printable ASCII character set (printable
ASCII characters are those whose code is between 32 and 126,
'byte-offset' An offset to add to the address before fetching memory.
This command displays memory contents as a table of nr-rows by nr-cols words,
each word being word-size bytes. In total, nr-rows * nr-cols * word-size
bytes are read (returned as 'total-bytes'). Should less than the requested number
of bytes be returned by the target, the missing words are identified using 'N/A'. The
number of bytes read from the target is returned in 'nr-bytes' and the starting address
used to read memory in 'addr'.
The address of the next/previous row or page is available in 'next-row' and
'prev-row', 'next-page' and 'prev-page'.
GDB command
The corresponding GDB command is 'x'. gdbtk has 'gdb_get_mem' memory read
Read six bytes of memory starting at bytes+6 but then offset by -6 bytes. Format as
three rows of two columns. One byte per word. Display each word in hex.
9-data-read-memory -o -6 -- bytes+6 x 1 3 2
Read two bytes of memory starting at address shorts + 64 and display as a single
word formatted in decimal.
5-data-read-memory shorts+64 d 2 1 1
326 The GDB/MI Interface