
HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 7 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Power Meter Operation
Zeroing and Calibrating the Power Meter
HP E4419B User’s Guide 2-7
Zeroing and Calibrating the Power Meter
This section describes how to zero and calibrate the power meter. You
should always zero the power meter prior to calibrating it.
Zeroing the Power Meter
Zeroing adjusts the power meter for a zero power reading with no power
applied to the power sensor. During zeroing, which takes approximately
10 seconds, the wait symbol is displayed.
To zero the power meter:
1. Press .
2. To zero channel A or channel B use or
respectively. Alternatively, to zero both channel A and channel B
sequentially, use . During zeroing the wait symbol is
When to Zero?
Zeroing of the power meter is recommended:
when a 5
C change in temperature occurs.
when you change the power sensor.
every 24 hours.
prior to measuring low level signals. For example, 10 dB above the
lowest specified power for your power sensor.
Zero/Cal Lockout
The Zero/Cal Lockout facilty provides a means of ensuring that a
measurement cannot be taken until the connected sensor has been zeroed
and calibrated. If the Zero/Cal Lockout facilty is enabled and a sensor is
connected which has not been zeroed and calibrated, then the display
window for the sensor will display the message “Please Zero + Cal ChA” or
“Please Zero + Cal ChB” depending on which channel the sensor is
connected to.
If you zero the sensor before calibrating it, the message changes to “Please
Cal ChA” or “Please Cal ChB” depending on which channel the sensor is
connected to.
Zero A Zero B
Zero Both