HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 22 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Power Meter Operation
Making Measurements using Sensor Calibration Tables
2-22 HP E4419B User’s Guide
tables are currently selected. The “Sensor Tbls” screen is displayed as
shown in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4: “Sensor Tbls” Screen
Making the Measurement
To make the power measurement, you zero and calibrate the power meter,
then set it for the frequency of the signal you want to measure. The power
meter automatically selects the calibration factor from the sensor
calibration table.
Note The following procedure details the calibration for channel A. To
calibrate channel B use the same procedure using the equivalent
channel B softkeys. To calibrate both channels, zero the power
meter using in step “2”, then follow this procedure for
channel A then repeat step “3” through to step “9” using the
equivalent channel B softkeys.
1. Press .
2. Press . During zeroing, which takes approximately 10
seconds, the wait symbol is displayed.
3. Press . The setting of the reference calibration factor is
obtained from the sensor calibration table and displayed under the
4. Connect the power sensor to the POWER REF output.
5. Press to calibrate the power meter. During calibration the
wait symbol is displayed. (The power meter automatically turns
on the POWER REF output.)
Zero Both
Zero A
A Ref CF
Cal A