Serving Storage to the iSCSI Initiators from the SR2122 over IP
41iSCSI SR2122 Storage Router: Getting Started Guide
Figure 30: Session Details
The iSCSI driver should now display all luns that are presented from the SR2122 target.
Enter Window's Disk Management application and it should now report new disks and ask to
write a signature. At this point you would treat these drives as you would any locally attached
block-level disk (create partition, format, etc.).
Note: When configuring the SR2122 Router for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003, make sure
that the Target Name within SCSI Router Instance is given
in lower case letters. If the target
names are in upper case, Microsoft Initiator won’t connect to the SR2122 Router.
iSCSI Initiator Setup for Red Hat Linux
The kernel source must be installed for the iSCSI driver to compile properly. If you are
upgrading from a previous installation of the iSCSI driver, HP recommends that you remove
the file /etc/initiatorname.iscsi before installing the new driver.
Please refer to the following web site for the latest sources for the linux driver for the HP
SR2122 iSCSI router:
http://sourcef orge.ne t/pro jects/linux -iscsi
Loading the iSCSI Driver
In a newly installed Red Hat Linux kernel, sometimes an iSCSI instance may be running.
Before installing the iSCSI driver, the running instance needs to be stopped. To stop the
instance, run setup, deselect iSCSI, and then reboot the system. Please refer to the README
file in the tar ball file for more information on configuring the iSCSI initiator.
1. Use tar(1) to decompress the source archive into a directory of your choice.
The archive will contain a subdirectory corresponding to the archive name.
cd /usr/src
tar xvzf /path/to/linux-iscsi-<version>.tgz
cd linux-iscsi-<version>
2. Compile the iSCSI driver. If your kernel sources are not in the usual place, add
'TOPDIR=/path/to/kernel' or edit the definition of TOPDIR in the Makefile.
3. As root, install the driver. If you are currently using the iSCSI driver, first unmount all
iSCSI devices and unload the old iSCSI driver. If your Linux distribution includes an
iSCSI driver, it may be necessary to uninstall that package first.