Serving Storage to the iSCSI Initiators from the SR2122 over IP
48 iSCSI SR2122 Storage Router: Getting Started Guide
SR2122 Setup
Once storage is presented to Node A and Node B, each SR2122 node should recognize these
new devices. If not, the SR2122 can be forced to rescan for devices either through its
management GUI within the Monitor Window or through the CLI command "Show Devices
With both the HSG80 and HSV110/100 controllers, a single LUN will appear twice in each of
the SR2122's Device List. One SR2122 will see two out of the four controller ports and the
other SR2122 will see the other two controller ports.
For example, LUN 2 from an HSV110/100 would have device entries on each SR2122 as:
Next, to present a LUN to an iSCSI initiator running Secure Path you must create a SCSI
Router Instance on both SR2122 Node A and Node B to ensure all four ports or paths to the
LUN are available to the host. The SCSI Router Instances can be created either though the
management GUI or through the SR2122's CLI.
Creating the SCSI Router Instance
The SCSI Router Instance may be created using the SR2122 Management GUI or by CLI
In this example, we will serve LUN 2 from the EVA storage presented to SR2122 Node A and
Node B to iSCSI client iSCSI03.
Note: These commands assume the Access List Entry of iSCSI03 has been created.
The following SR2122 CLI commands will create a SCSI Router instance on each SR2122
and assign LUN 1 from each port of the HSV110 to be accessed by iSCSI Initiator iSCSI03.
On SR2122 Node A:
NodeA> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks
NodeA> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks description "Router Instance of all drives for iSCSI03"
NodeA> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks authentication "none"
NodeA> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks username "none"
NodeA> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks password "none"
SR2122 Name
Device List Entry
LUN presented by storage
Node A 50001fe150002f79 2
50001fe150002f7c 2
Node B 50001fe150002f7d 2
50001fe150002f78 2
Router Instance/
IP Address
Node A ISCSI03_Disks
HSV23_T1 1 50001fe150002f79 2
2 50001fe150002f7c 2
Node B ISCSI03_Disks
HSV23_T2 1 50001fe150002f7d 2
2 50001fe150002f78 2