Managing the Hub
Setting up the ASCII Console
Managing the Hub
Directly, Using A Serial Cable and a Terminal
To directly connect a terminal to a hub, follow these steps:
1. Connect an ASCII terminal, or a PC emulating an ASCII terminal, to the
RS-232 port using an RS-232-C “null modem” cable. (For pin-outs and
recommended cables see Appendix A, “Cables and Connectors”.)
2. Switch on the terminal’s power (or switch on the PC’s power and start the
terminal emulation program). Configure the terminal for 8 bits per char-
acter, 1 stop bit, no parity, Xon/Xoff handshaking, and a baud rate of 38400,
19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200.
3. Press [Enter] several times for the => or Password prompt. The baud rate
for communication between the hub and the terminal is set automatically
when you press [Enter].
Remotely, Using Telnet
The HP Hub-16M supports a Telnet console session. Your Telnet syntax
depends on your TCP/IP software or your terminal server. By default, Telnet
is enabled. You can disable Telnet by using the IPconfig console command
described on page 3-7.
To establish a Telnet session, follow these steps:
1. Verify that the hub has been configured with an IP address, and that it is
accessible via IP from your PC or workstation.
2. Enter the command telnet followed by the IP address or system name of
the hub, for example:
telnet your_hub
(Your Telnet syntax depends on your TCP/IP software or your terminal
server. You can use a system name if you have name resolution such as
To end the Telnet session, type DI (the DIsconnect command) to terminate
the console session. Or use your Telnet application’s command to close or quit
the Telnet session.
MUCHO.BK : ch3.fm5 Page 2 Thursday, June 26, 1997 11:37 AM