Backup Links
Examples of Backup Links
Backup Links
Examples of Backup Links
The Backup Link function allows you to specify a backup link between two
devices in case the primary link fails. An example of a backup link is shown
A backup link is a separate path connected between the hub and a device. The
port through which the cable is connected between the two devices is auto-
matically enabled if the connection designated as the primary link fails.
How the Backup Function Works
The hub on which the redundant link is configured is responsible for moni-
toring the link. It sends packets to the station at the other end of the link and
looks for response packets from that station. If the response packets fail to
come back, the primary link is considered as having failed and the backup
link, which had not been carrying any traffic, is enabled automatically. If the
primary link does fail, it is automatically disabled until it can be repaired and
Hub to a Server
Hub to a Switch
Primary Link (fiber)
Backup Link (twisted pair)
Backup Link Primary Link
MUCHO.BK : CE.FM5 Page 3 Thursday, June 26, 1997 11:37 AM