Initiating or restoring from hibernation
Hibernation cannot be initiated unless it is enabled. Hibernation is enabled by default.
To be sure that hibernation remains enabled, select Start > Control Panel > Performance and
Maintenance > Power Options > Hibernate tab. If hibernation is enabled, the Enable hibernation
check box is selected.
Task Procedure Result
Initiate hibernation.
Press the power button.
– or –
Select Start > Turn Off Computer.*
Then, hold down the shift key as you
select Hibernate.
In Windows XP Professional, if
hibernate is not displayed:
a. Click the down arrow.
b. Select Hibernate from the list.
c. Click OK.
The power lights turn off.
The screen clears.
Allow the system to
initiate hibernation
(with hibernation
No action is required. A computer running
on battery power initiates hibernation,
according to the following conditions:
After 30 minutes of computer
When the battery reaches a critical
low-battery condition.
NOTE: Power settings and timeouts can
be changed using Power Options in
Windows Control Panel.
The power lights turn off.
The screen clears.
Restore from user-
initiated or system-
initiated hibernation.
Press the power button.†
The power lights turn on.
Your work returns to the screen.
*If you have been registered to a network domain, the button you click is called Shut Down instead of Turn Off Computer.
†If the system has initiated hibernation because of a critical low-battery condition, connect external power or insert a charged
battery before you press the power button. (The system does not respond if the discharged battery is the only power source.)
Initiating or restoring from hibernation 11