
7 Batteries
When a charged battery is in the computer and the computer is not plugged into external power, the
computer runs on battery power. When the computer is plugged into external AC power, the computer
runs on AC power.
If the computer contains a charged battery and is running on external AC power supplied through the
AC adapter, the computer switches to battery power if the AC adapter is disconnected from the
NOTE: The display brightness is decreased to save battery life when you disconnect AC power. To
increase display brightness, use the fn+f8 hotkey or reconnect the AC adapter.
You can keep a battery in the computer or remove and store it, depending on how you work. Keeping
the battery in the computer whenever the computer is plugged into external AC power charges the
battery and protects your work in case of a power outage. Note that a battery in the computer slowly
discharges when the computer is turned off and not plugged into external power.