Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
10-19 XXXX Serial number in ASCII (0 = not specified)
20 0003H * Controller type:
0003: dual ported, multiple sector buffer with look-ahead read
21 Note.2 * Buffer size in number of sectors
22 00xxH * Number of ECC bytes as currently selected via the set features command
23-26 XXXX Microcode version in ASCII
27-46 Note.2 Model number in ASCII
47 8010H Maximum number of sectors that can be transferred per interrupt on Read
and Write Multiple commands
15-8 : (=80h)
7-0 : Maximum number of sectors that can be transferred per
Note.1 The ‘*’ mark in ‘Content’ field indicates the use of those parameters that are vendor specific.
Note.2 See following table ‘Number of cylinders/heads/sectors by models for Number of
cylinders/heads/sectors by models for HTS5416XXJ9SA00 on Page 5
Figure 34 Identify device information
48 0000H * Capable of double word I/O, ‘0000’= cannot perform
49 0F00H Capabilities, bit assignments:
15-14 (=0) Reserved
13 (=0) 0= Standby timer value are vendor specific
12 (=0) Reserved
11 (=1) 1= IORDY Supported
10 (=1) 1= IORDY can be disabled
9 (=1) 1=LBA Supported
8 (=1) 1=DMA Supported
* 7- 0 (=0) Reserved
50 4000H Capabilities
15 (=0) 0=the contents of word 50 are valid
14 (=1) 1=the contents of word 50 are valid
13- 2 (=0) Reserved
1 (=0) Obsolete
0 (=0) 1=the device has a minimum Standby timer value that is
device specific
51 0200H * PIO data transfer cycle timing mode
52 0200H * DMA data transfer cycle timing mode
Refer Word 62 and 63
53 0007H Validity flag of the word
15- 3(=0) Reserved
2(=1) 1=Word 88 is Valid
1(=1) 1=Word 64-70 are Valid
0(=1) 1=Word 54-58 are Valid
54 xxxxH Number of current cylinders
55 xxxxH Number of current heads
56 xxxxH Number of current sectors per track
57-58 xxxxH Current capacity in sectors
Word 57 specifies the low word of the capacity
59 0xxxH Current Multiple setting. bit assignments
15- 9 (=0) Reserved
8 1= Multiple Sector Setting is Valid
7- 0 xxh = Current setting for number of sectors
60-61 Note.2 Total Number of User Addressable Sectors