Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
The Extended SMART self-test log sector shall support 48-bit and 28-bit addressing. All 28-bit
entries contained in the SMART self-test log sector shall also be included in the Comprehensive
SMART self-test log sector with the 48-bit entries.
If the feature set associated with the log specified in the Sector Number register is not supported or
enabled, or if the values in the Sector Count, Sector Number or Cylinder Low registers are invalid,
the device shall return command aborted.
14.16.1 General purpose Log Directory
Figure 51 defines the 512 bytes that make up the General Purpose Log Directory.
Description Bytes Offset
General Purpose Logging Version 2 00h
Number of sectors in the log at log address 01h (7:0) 1 02h
Number of sectors in the log at log address 01h (15:8) 1 03h
Number of sectors in the log at log address 02h (7:0) 1 04h
Number of sectors in the log at log address 02h (15:8) 1 05h
Number of sectors in the log at log address 80h (7:0) 1 100h
Number of sectors in the log at log address 80h (15:8) 1 101h
Number of sectors in the log at log address FFh (7:0) 1 1FEh
Number of sectors in the log at log address FFh (15:8) 1 1FFh
Figure 51 General purpose Log Directory
The value of the General Purpose Logging Version word shall be 0001h. A value of 0000h indicates
that there is no General Purpose Log Directory.
The logs at log addresses 80-9Fh shall each be defined as 16 sectors long.
14.16.2 Extended comprehensive SMART error log
Figure 52 defines the format of each of the sectors that comprise the Extended Comprehensive
SMART error log. Error log data structure shall not include errors attributed to the receipt of faulty
commands such as command codes not implemented by the device or requests with invalid
parameters or in valid addresses.
Description Bytes Offset
SMART error log version 1 00h
Reserved 1 01h
Error log index (7:0) 1 02h
Error log index (15:8) 1 03h
error log data structure 124 04h
error log data structure 124 80h
error log data structure 124 FCh
error log data structure 124 178h
Device error count 2 1F4h
Reserved 9 1F6h
Data structure checksum 1 1FFh
Figure 52 Extended comprehensive SMART error Log