About Your Solid Element Cartridge
Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air solid element cooktop cartridge.
The solid elements are madefrom acast iron plate intowhich electrical heating
coils have been embedded. The coils are arranged to provide a uniform he
distribution. The solid elements have a thermal limiter to prevent the eleme_..
from becoming excessively hot (itwill not glowred).The thermal limiter reduces
incoming wattage when a cookpot is unable to properly conduct the heat from
the solid element's surface, such as when an improper cookpot is used.
Cooking Procedures
• BEFORE FIRST USE, heatelements without apan for 3 to 5 minutes on
the Hi setting,
• For best results, always use recommended cookware. ""
• Different cookpots and different amounts of food being prepared will
influence the control settings needed for best results. (See cooktop or
rangeuse &care manualfor typical control settings.) Forfastest cooking,
startwith the surface control on Hi for one minute;then turn the control to
the lower desired setting. Covering pans, whenever possible, speeds
cooking and is more energy efficient.
• Thesolidelements retain heat fora periodof time after the elements have
been turnedoff. Putthis residual heat to good use. Turn the elements off
afewminutes before food iscompletely cookedand use the retained heat
to complete the cooking operation. Because of this heat retention
characteristic, the elements will not respond to changes in heat settings
asquickly ascoil elements. Inthe event ofa potential boilover, move the
cookpot to a cool element or remove from the cooking surface.
• Whenpreparingfoodswhich can beeasily scorchedor over-cooked, ""_rt
cooking at a lower temperature setting and gradually increase temh._..-
ture as needed.
• A higher setting than normal may be necessary when using cookpots
made with material that is slow to conduct heat, such as cast iron.
• A lower setting can be used when cooking small quantities of foods or
when using a cookpot that conducts heat quickly.
• Once liquidcomes to a boilon Hi, reducethe control setting to amedium
or medium low to maintain steam or to simmer foods.
• Make sure bottom of cookware isdry before placing on element.
• Do not use wire trivets, fire rings, pads or any such item between the
cookware and the element.
• Do not lay lids, spatulas, or other food laden utensils on solid element.