Stainless Steel Seal Ring
The ring around the cast iron element prevents food spills from running under
theelement. Made from stainlesssteel, the ringwill changeto a goldcolor when
|is heated. This removable discoloration is a normal characteristic
stainless steel andwill occurwhenever the solid element isheated on a high
• Toremovediscoloration, usea non-abrasive stainless steel cleanersuch
as Bar Keepers Friend, Zud or Colic Luneta (Jenn-Air ModelA912, Part
No. 712191). Rinse thoroughly, wipe dry. Heat element on medium
setting for a few minutes until completely dry.
This could damage the internal wiring.
• Do not use decorative covers over the solid element. These trap
moisture which can corrode the cast iron element. If the element is
accidentally turned on, the coverscould permanently damage the solid
element or the cooktop cartridge.
Glass Cooktop
The tempered glasscooktop willwithstand temperature changeswhile cooking.
Although impact resistant,treat thisglass cooktop withthe samecareyou would
any glass material.
Clean glass cooktop after surface has cooled.
• For normal daily cleaning, wipe with a damp sponge or cloth. Use glass
cleaners to remove smudges and stains. Buff with a clean dry cloth or
paper towel.
• For moredifficult to removefood stains, use non-abrasive soft cleansers
such asShiny Sinks, Soft Scrub, Bon-Ami,or dishwashing liquidssuch as
Ivory or Joy or a paste of water and baking soda. Rinse and dry
thoroughly; buff with clean dry cloth or paper towel.
• Do not use any cleaners not recommended for use on glass.