You can get help from the troubleshooting section, FAQ or Customer Support on our website.
Troubleshooting Section in this User’s Guide
Please refer to the Troubleshooting section first, as it contains some of the most common problems
that users encounter.
Website FAQ
Please visit our website at www.jenoptik-camera.com to view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Website Customer Support
If the problem you are encountering is not listed in the FAQ section, please send us an email through
our web site by clicking on Contact Us.
If you have questions concerning the operation of the camera or software installation, please have the
following information ready before you contact us:
Camera Information: Computer Information:
Name of camera model: Operation System:
Camera Serial Number: Computer Maker and Model:
Exact Error Message Received:
For ArcSoft Technical Support on Photo Editing Software, please contact:
In the USA and Canada China
ArcSoft, Inc. ArcSoft Beijing Co., Ltd.
46601 Fremont Blvd. No. 6 South Capital Gym Road
Fremont, CA 94538 Beijing New Century Hotel Office
Tel: (510) 440-9901 Building, #1060
Fax: (510) 440-1270 Beijing 100044, China
E-mail: support@arcsoft.com Tel: 8610-6849-1368
Fax: 8610-6849-1367
Japan Europe
ArcSoft Japan Unit 14, Shannon Industrial Estate
9F, 1-21-9, Higashi-Gotanda, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland
Shinagawa-ku, Tel: +353 (0) 61-702087
Tokyo 141-0022, Japan Fax: +353 (0) 61-702001
Tel: +81-3-5795-1392 E-Mail: europe@arcsoft.com
Fax: +81-3-5795-1397
E-Mail: support@arcsoft.jp
Taiwan Latin America (local call only)
ArcSoft Inc. Taiwan Branch Tel (Brazil): 00817-200-0709
Tel: +886 (0) 2-2506-9355 Tel (Chile): 800-202-797
Fax: +886 (0) 2-2506-8922 E-Mail: latinsupport@arcsoftsupport.com
E-Mail: support@arcsoft.com.tw