Electrode AWS Recommended General Page
Name Class Polarity/ Description No.
Shielding Gas
Pipeliner 70S-G ER70S-G Pipeliner 70S-G MIG (GMAW) wire electrode is especially 14
intended and packaged for the needs of semiautomatic and
automatic root pass pipe welding. Delivering low hydrogen
deposits, 70S-G exhibits an extremely fluid puddle for outstanding
wash-in at the weld toes and uniform bead shape. Well-suited for
use on API 5L-X56 through X70 pipe.
Pipeliner NR-207+ E71T8-K6 DC- Optimum performance on vertical down hot, fill and cap 15
passes on standard cross-country pipelines and arctic
grade pipe. Excellent crack resistance, CTOD, and Charpy
V-Notch properties. Recommended for API Pipe Grades
X42 through X70.
Pipeliner NR-207XP E71T8-K6 DC- For consistently high impact values, choose 207XP. Optimum 16
performance on vertical down, hot, fill and cap passes on standard
cross-country pipelines and arctic grade pipe. Recommended for
API Pipe Grades X42 through X70.
Pipeliner G70M E71T-1MJH8 DC+ Pipeliner G70M is designed to deliver outstanding weld 17
& E71T-9MJH8 75-80% Ar properties for semi-automatic applications. Robust impacts
/balance CO
mean consistently high CVN values.
Pipeliner Autoweld E71-T-1MJH8 DC+ Pipeliner Autoweld G70M is specifically designed for use 18
G70M & E71T-9MJH8 75-80% Ar with the Autoweld pipe welding system to deliver outstanding
/balance CO
weld properties.
Self-Shielded Flux-Cored (FCAW-S) Electrodes
Gas-Shielded Flux-Cored (FCAW-G) Electrodes
MIG (GMAW) Electrodes