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A 53 Communication Bus L
B 54 Communication Bus H
C 67A Electrode Voltage Sense
D 52 0vdc -
E 51 +40vdc +
' % # ,%+ &%
3 21A Work Voltage Sense
' % # ,%+ &%
2 253 RS232 Receive
3 254 RS232 Transmit
6 # # Pin20
20 # # Pin6
7 251 RS232 Common
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DIP switches on the P.C. Boards allow for custom configuration of
the Power Wave. To access the DIP switches:
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P @EG>3F7KAGDE7>88DA?F:7IAD=3@69DAG@6
2. Remove the wrap around cover from the power source.
3. The control board is on the center assembly facing the case front.
Locate the 8-position DIP switch and look for switch 8 of the DIP
4. Using a pencil or other small object, slide the switch to the OFF
position if the work sense lead is NOT connected. Conversely, slide
the switch to the ON position if the work sense lead is present.
5. Replace the wrap around and screws. The PC board will “read” the
switch at power up, and configure the work voltage sense lead
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switch 1 = reserved for future use
switch 2 = reserved for future use
switch 3 = equipment group 1 selcted (default=off)
switch 4 = equipment group 2 selcted (default=off)
switch 5 = reserved for future use
switch 6 = reserved for future use
switch 7 = auto mapping
switch 8 = work sense lead
(See Figure A.8 Dual Head Boom Feeder)
off work sense lead not connected
on work sense lead connected
*Factory setting for Switch 8 is &.
off auto mapping enable-default
on auto mapping disabled
CONTROL BOARD (DIP Switch Location)
CONTROL BOARD (DIP Switch Location)
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