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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#A53>#;@5A>@GF:AD;L76;7>6*7DH;5735;>;FK for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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General degradation of the weld per-
Excessively long and erratic arc.
If Wire Feed Speed is in Question.
Inch Per Minute = (IPM)
1.Check for feeding problems, bad
connections, excessive loops in
cabling, etc.
2. Verify weld mode is correct for
3. The power source may require
4. Check the actual current dis-
played on the Power Feed 10 vs.
actual current measured via exter-
nal meter.
5. Check the actual voltage dis-
played on the Power Feed 10 vs.
actual voltage measured via exter-
nal meter.
6. Check the actual WFS displayed
on the Power Feed 10 vs. actual
WFS measured via external
1. Check for proper configuration
and implementation of voltage
sensing circuits.
1. Check system with K283 speed
meter tester.
2. Manual Check by:
• Turning off all run in features of
the feeder. Cut wire flush to
weld gun electrode tip. Feed
wire for 6 seconds. Measure
feed wire length from the end of
the electrode tip to the end of
the feed wire. Multiple 10 to the
measured length.
Example: You measure 24” , then
your results will be 240 IPM.
(10 x 24 = 240 IPM)