PC Serial Ports
This appendix provides detailed information about PC serial ports, including
background information about what they are and how they work. It also
explains how Microsoft Windows 3.1 manages serial ports, how to resolve
problems using COM3 or COM4 under Windows, and how to choose serial
port hardware that is well-suited to the PassageWay Service Provider. If you
are familiar with serial port terminology (for example, I/O port addresses,
IRQs, etc.), you may wish to skip over the background section. If not, you
should review the background section before reading further.
If you are having problems using the PassageWay Service Provider on COM3
or COM4, you should refer to "Workarounds and Solutions to the IRQ Conflict
Problem." If you intend to purchase an add-on serial port card for use with
the PassageWay Service Provider, you should refer to "Selecting an Add-On
Serial Port Card" for information that can assist you in selecting a card.