Installing and Configuring Telephony
Installing the Telephony Manager
This section describes how to install Telephony Manager.
To install Telephony Manager:
1. Start Windows (if it is not running already).
2. Shut down all applications running on your PC.
3. If you are installing from CD-ROM, insert the Telephony Manager
CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your PC. If the Autorun feature is
enabled on your PC, the PassageWay Setup dialog box appears.
Proceed to Step 6.
If you are installing from a shared directory on a network server,
proceed to Step 4.
If you are installing from diskette, insert Telephony Manager diskette
#1 into the diskette drive of your PC.
4. Double-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.
The My Computer window appears.
5. Depending on whether you are installing from a CD-ROM, a shared
directory, or a diskette, perform one of the following steps:
If you are installing from CD-ROM, double-click on the CD-ROM
icon, and then double click on start.exe. The PassageWay Setup
dialog box appears.
If you are installing from a shared directory, double-click on the
network drive icon specified by your Network Administrator, and
then double-click on setup.exe. The PassageWay Telephony
Manager Setup dialog box appears. Proceed to Step 7.