Mitel 5330/5340 IP Phones – User Guide
Program Superkey to a Key
To program a feature key to be the Superkey:
1. Press Settings or
2. Press Programmable Keys.
3. Press the key you wish to program.
4. If Applications are displayed, press View Features.
5. Use the Page Navigation keys to move through the features list.
6. Select Superkey.
7. Press Save.
Note: You cannot program a Superkey on keys 31 to 48 of the 5340 phone.
Program Feature Keys Using the Superkey
To program a phone feature key:
5330 Phone: 5340 Phone:
1. Press the key that you have programmed
as Superkey.
1. Press the key that you have programmed
as Superkey
2. Press No until Personal Keys? appears and
then press Yes.
2. Press the More key until the Feature Key
option appears, if necessary
3. Press the key you want to program.
3. Press Feature Key.
4. Press Change. 4. Press the key you want to program.
5. Press No until the key type you want to
program appears, and then press Yes.
5. Press Change.
6. Press Save.
6. Select the key type to program. (Press
More to scroll, if necessary.)
7. Press Save.
To program Speed Call
You can use the Settings key or the Superkey to program Speed Calls keys.
Note: The Settings key does not offer the "Private" option. If you want the Speed Call number to
be private, use the Superkey to program it.
To program Speed Call Using the Settings Key:
1. Press Settings.
2. Press Programmable Keys.
3. Select the key to program.
4. Use page navigation keys to find Speed Call
5. Press Edit Label to enter label info using the dial pad
or the onscreen keyboard.
6. Press Edit Number to enter number using the dial pad and then press Save.
• Maximum length is 26 characters (valid characters are 0-9, # and *.)
7. Press Save.