Mitel 5330/5340 IP Phones – User Guide
Cordless Handset LEDs
The handset has two LEDs:
• Blue – indicates the operational status of the handset
• Green – indicates the status of the electrical charge of the battery
LED State Indicates
Solid Handset is muted
Blinking Handset is in pairing mode
Winking Active audio path between Handset and Module
• No audio path between Handset and Module OR
• Battery is dead
Solid Battery is fully charged
Blinking Battery is charging
Off When handset is cradled and the LED does not flash or
illuminate, this indicates an absence of battery power.
During the first 30 – 60 minutes that the light is off, the
battery may be trickle charging. If that is the case, the
LED will resume normal behavior within that 60 minute
period. If the LED remains off for more than 60 minutes,
then either the battery is no longer chargeable or there is
a problem in the charging circuit.
Blinking: LED is On and Off for equal amount of time
Winking: LED is On for a short period of time and Off for a longer period
Checking Battery Level of Cordless Accessories
To check the battery level, do either of the following:
• Press Applications, and then press Cordless Devices. The battery level is displayed
beside the paired accessory.
• Press Applications, then Cordless Devices, and then press the key for the cordless
accessory. The battery level is displayed along with protocol, firmware, hardware, and
IPEI information.
Replacing Batteries in Cordless Accessories
Note: The cordless handset battery is not user-replaceable.
Viewing Cordless Accessory Information
To view cordless accessory protocol, firmware, and hardware information:
• Press Applications, then Cordless Devices, and then press the key for the cordless
accessory. The battery level is displayed along with protocol, firmware, hardware, and
IPEI information.