Security Triggers 127
Model 3086FR ATM IAD User Guide 10 • Security
After configuring the FTP portfilter, you can open an ftp session from Remote to Local, however you can issue
ftp commands (e.g., login, cd, etc.) but transfer data (e.g., ls, dir, get, put commands). The portfilter allows an
ftp control channel but does not allow the use of a secondary data channel for passing data by ftp.
To enable the ftp data channel, add a trigger which will open a secondary channel only when data is being
passed. This prevents the need to open too many ports which offer a security risk.
1. From the Configuration Menu, > Configuration > Security > Firewall Trigger Configuration > New Trig-
2. Set the parameters as follows:
– Transport Type = tcp
– Port Number Start = 21
–Port Number End = 21
– Allow Multiple Hosts = Block
– Max Activity Interval = 3000
– Enable Session Chaining = Block
– Enable UDP Session Chaining = Block
– Binary Address Replacement = Block
– Address Translation Type = none
3. Click on Apply.
You should now be able to use ftp commands to pass data between Remote and Local.