
Frame Relay Service Interworking (FRF.8) 69
Model 3096RC G.SHDSL T-DAC Administrators’ Reference Guide 6 • Configuring FR and ATM features
specification. See figure 24 for the encapsulation types and includes an example where a Routed IP packet is
received on both the Frame Relay and ATM sides of the connection. When the packet is received is checked
against the known PID fields, and then the packet is routed to the appropriate encapsulation conversion
station before being sent out the opposite interface.
Figure 24. FRS encapsulation conversion using Translate Mode
Transparent: The second translation mode option is to set the protocol value to transparent. Transparent is
used when the Protocol being used is not one of the 22 predefined encapsulation types, such as is the case
for voice based systems. When the translation mode is set to transparent, the packet data will be transpar-
ently passed from one network to the other without any encapsulation conversions.