4. Web management
4.1 Start A Web Browser Session
The Web Interface of GSW-1402S is coded by Java Applet and running on the JavaTM
Virtual Machine (JVM) version 1.3.1 platform. You should configure the management
station with an IP address and subnet mask compatible with GSW-1402S for accessing it.
Also, the management station should be well configured and connected to Internet for
automatically downloading (upgrading) the suitable JVM through Internet from
http://java.sun.com. Or you can download from
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download.html and manually install it.
Note: Usually the newer Java
Virtual Machine is not backward compatible. JVM version
1.3.1 is strongly recommended to ensure properly operation.
The default network configurations are as follows:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Activate a web browser and enter “” in the address field. A screen pops up and
asks for username/password. Use system default accounts admin/admin to access
4.2 Main Page
Main Page appears after successfully login GSW-1402S. There are 7 function button
listed on top: Save, Default, Reboot, Ping, Telnet, Contact, and Upgrade.