4.5 VLAN Page
There are three tabs in VLAN Page: VLAN Static List, VLAN Static Table, and VLAN Port
Configuration. Please refer to section 3.5.2 IEEE802.1Q TAG VLAN for further details.
4.5.1 VLAN Static List
This screen is used to Add / Remove / Modify VLAN and up to 255 groups. The VLAN
groups that have been created are all listed here. To Create A New VLAN Group
1. Specify the name for the new VLAN group (VLAN name is only used for
2. Enter a number (VLAN ID) for the new VLAN group.
3. Check the “Active” box to activate the VLAN or leave it blank and activate it
4. Click <<Add button to create the new VLAN. To Remove A VLAN Group
1. Select a VLAN group you want to remove from the “Current” list.
2. Click Remove>> button to remove it.
Note: 1. If a removed port is no longer belong to any other group, it is temporarily
disabled because no one can communicate with it.
2. If one port’s PVID is equal to this VLAN ID, removing this VLAN group will not
allow until you change it. To Modify A VLAN Group
1. Select a VLAN group you want to remove from the current list
2. Modify parameters in “New” column
3. Click Modify button to submit the new parameters
4.5.2 VLAN Static Table
This screen is used to Add/Remove member ports of a VLAN.