Knowledge Finder
This Solver is a powerful tool to enable you to perform searches across
all the thematic lists in the general-knowledge section. It’s a bit like
using a search engine on the Internet. You can use wildcard characters
(? or *) and keywords from your clue to help you find answers by
searching across all the lists at the same time.
These lists have been compiled by Oxford University Press to help
provide answers to crossword clues and other quiz questions.
1 Select “Knowledge Find” and then
press .
2 Type in your key words.
They can be a category or related
word with the entry which you want
to find.
Knowledge Find
. . .
E.g. art and dutch :
This means that result should be
related to art and Dutch.
•You can add one target word with
wildcard letters (? or *), if you know
some letters of the target word.
In this example, the target word is “Gogh”. In case you know that
the target word is four letters and it starts “g”. It will be “g???”.
* If you don’t have any hint for the word (any length and letters), you
can omit this word and you can search by scrolling all data that has
words related to your key words.
* Up to two (
) can be entered and any number of (?) but, you can
only have one target word containing wildcards.
*You need to enter at least one key word.
*You can enter key words in any order.
art dutch_
art dutch g???_