Beat the Clock
The letters of a mystery word are displayed one at a time at regular
intervals. Enter the mystery word before they are all displayed.
1 Select “Beat the Clock” and then
press .
The number of letters in the mystery
word is indicated by question marks.
The number of times you can try is
shown at the right of “/”.
2 If you press any of the keys, the
hidden letters will be displayed one
by one.
?????? 0/7
b????? 0/6
b? tt?? 0/5
User Jumble
This is a Jumble game using words that you can select.
1 Select “User Jumble” and then press
2 Enter a word. You can use up to 11
Example: ascot
3 Press .
The selected word and the number of
other words will be displayed.
* The ensuing procedure is the same as that used in the Jumble Game.
Tip for Parents
This game is a fun way for you to help your children to learn new words. Simply
enter your chosen word and then work with them to correctly find the anagrams.
ascot 0/4
ascot _
User Jumble
Beat the Clock
b? tt?e 0/4