4.1. Main te nance in ter vals
Dai ly: check war ning signs on equip ment for good
le gi bi li ty and com ple te ness.
with com pres sed-air val ve:
check the oil le vel in the oi ler
emp ty the wa ter se pa ra tor
check the ope ra ting pres su re in the fac to ry duct work sys tem
(max. 6 bar (87.02 PSI) sys tem over pres su re)
Every six months: check all elec tri cal and me cha ni cal con nec tions for pro per fit
check the set tings of the le vel pro bes (if avai la ble)
check the sea ling rings on the loc king flaps
Ye ar ly: re pla ce the sea ling rings on the loc king flaps
re pla ce fil ter car trid ge (de pen ding on amount of dust)
The given main te nance in ter vals are av er age val ues.
Check whether in your in di vid ual case the main te nance in ter vals must be
short ened.
4.2. Ser vicing the hop per loader
In di vid ual hop pers can also be main tained dur ing op er a tion. How ever,
Ster ling rec om mends that you switch off the con vey ing plant for all types
of work on the hop per.
Wait un til the con vey ing pro ce dure has stopped.
Dis as sem ble the vac uum line on the hop per.
Close the dis as sem bled vac uum line so that the vac uum for the ac tive hop per-load ers does not
break down.
Depressurize the com pressed-air line to the hop per (only with com pressed-air valve).
Dis as sem ble the ma te rial line on the lat eral in let of the hop per.
Dis as sem ble the hop per.
Main te nance 17