4.2.3. Repla cing the fil ter cartridge
Loo sen the tighte ning strap (A).
Re mo ve the hop per lid (B).
Re mo ve the loc king pin from the threa ded
rod (C).
Loo sen the 2 flat nuts (D) and re mo ve the
sa fe ty pla te (E).
Re mo ve the was her (F).
Pull the fil ter car trid ge (G) from the threa -
ded rod.
Use com pres sed air to blow through the
fil ter car trid ge from in si de out or re pla ce
the old fil ter car trid ge.
Put the new fil ter car trid ge/clea ned fil ter
car trid ge (G) onto the threa ded rod.
Mount the was her (F) and a flat nut (D).
Put back the sa fe ty pla te (E).
Mount the se cond flat nut (D).
Put a new loc king pin in the threa ded rod (C).
Mount the hop per lid (B).
Mount the tighte ning strap (A).
In stall the hop per.
Or der num bers
fil ter car trid ge: ID 85612
loc king pin: ID 96093
Main te nance 21